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Dear FBI, this crew tricked customers out of $650m+*

For more info read below

* Source:  Newpoint Reinsurance Financial Statements - see index here



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Open Letter to the FBI, Scotland Yard, and Global Reinsurance Regulators


Biggest fraud since Bernie Madoff, Enron, SBF, Libor, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers, Ronnie Biggs, Dai Ichi Kyoto, Vesttoo, Banco Ambrosiano, FTX, Société Générale Trading Losses, Olympus Scandal, Punjab National Bank Scam, Nigeria 419 scams, Portus Alternative Asset Management, and more. ?


Policyholders, insurers, and others confront a critical threat from Newpoint Reinsurance, reminiscent of notorious financial catastrophes such as Vesttoo, Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, the Enron scandal, and SBF. Newpoint is allegedly perpetrating a fraud on an unprecedented scale, with tricked customers purportedly exceeding $600 million affecting millions of policyholders globally.

At this crucial juncture, Newpoint Reinsurance’s operations echo the most severe financial crimes in history, demanding your immediate and resolute intervention. This criminal organization is orchestrating a massive insurance fraud that jeopardizes financial confidence and threatens the livelihoods and security of countless millions of policyholders.

As guardians of economic integrity, your prompt response is imperative. The insurance sector and policyholders look to you for decisive actions to prevent severe personal and financial harm.

It is essential that Newpoint Reinsurance undergo a thorough investigation immediately, its operations suspended if wrongdoing is established, and those responsible face stringent legal consequences. Across this website, you’ll find evidence of a $500 million forgery, proving the company has, in fact, $0 of paid-up capital (with no reserves). Any suggestions otherwise are a mirage. The persons believed responsible can be easily identified within this website, and the means of the fraud clearly set out.

Failure to act risks a human and financial catastrophe comparable to past financial collapses, often left unaddressed until too late.

I have exposed myself to the risk of lawsuits without doubt, but in doing so, I trust in your commitment to uphold financial laws and protect the public from potential harm. The need for action is urgent and undeniable.

Mark James Smith, Author and Financial Analyst (MBA, Juris Doctor), 9 September 2024

P.S. For further discussions or information, please contact me directly through this linked form.



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